Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mad Max "Georgie Fuso"

So after the whole swap shop, from selling "Clark" to buying the new " Georgie Fuso!!" I had a great holidays with the family. Not with out any stress though! I needed to figure out, what turtle shell I was going to live in!

Also "How do I mount my turtle shell to my crazy new truck?". After figuring out what camper I was going to buy on KSL.com. I went to Heber, Utah to pick up the camper and build my Mad Max Machine!!

It took a little ingenuity. But after a lot of measuring and drawing. I came up with a plan and successfully mounted the camper on the back of my, pick me up truck!

I did good I think?! The cab still folds over to access the engine and it also clears the head ache rack. How about the height? Little Georgie sits at a exactly 12'. A whole 1.5 feet shorter than regular semis (13' 6"). I did good I think?!

All of this metamorphoses happened in less than 2 weeks. Wow! Camper on the truck Sunday and Monday I left for Up state New York for the Tugg Hill Kite Event!

Three days of straight driving 50- 60mph. And about 12-14 hrs each day! I made it on time!! By that Friday I was Kiting on farm fields near Lowville, New York!! Only thing that sucks is that I didn't get to kite on the way there! Almost every rest stop from Utah to New York was Snow Kiteable!

More shots to come!

Patrick Nedele

1 comment:

  1. whoa dude! That's the most insane vehicle I've seen! I'll bet the cops start pulling you over just cuz it looks funny!
