After a long drive from Durango I stopped and visited a new kite shop in New Mexico. Stuart is a great guy that is changing his life style by starting a kite shop and teaching snow kiting to the masses of New Mexico!! Check him out at After a quick session of flying foils in Santa Fe with Stuart. I headed out on the journey down south to Corpus Christi.
I made it to Pro Kite Surf and hung out with one of my protege's, PJ Lewis!! He is working and teaching for Jeff Howard. check out They are selling some of the best boards on the planet!! Crazy Fly!! They also make some of the best repair jobs on the most damaged kites!!
Anyway after a some really powered sessions at Wild Cat park, I got to go kite skating at the best place I have ever kite skated before!! P.J. showed me this sick spot, near Wild Cat park. Were there is a long bike path/road that squares up to the wind perfectly!! You can ride a skate board for about 3 mi one way with out having to turn around!! Absolutely amazing!!! You just got to keep your trainer high to pass over the bushes but there is clean wind coming off the bay!! I think we skated for ever that night. I never got to experience such a nice Kite skate session!!
After spending time in C town I made it to the beach in Padre. Adult kite camp starts NOW!!! I am looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new ones here I can't wait tell everybody shows up to kite.
The pictures are all at night with a full moon. I was by myself and set up my tripod. A little drunk, I was going crazy running back and forth from the dunes to get the pictures but I think they turned out pretty cool!
Well Peace,
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