Monday, February 1, 2010

Amer's Lake!!!

If anybodies is anybody that rides in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area has rode at Amer's and or you know Amer! Thank you for the support Amer. Thank you for inviting me to your backyard, Whitmore Lake. Also if you didn't know he makes a MEAN sandwich and has great frozen yogurt check him out at: Amer's Deli all over Mi.!!

Thank you for the hospitality and the food!!! Great kiting with you and the dentist Kirk you can also check out Kirks sweet photography site and also link to his real art, the fixing of teeth!!

While I am giving props thank you Redbelly for the support of OZONE in the Ann Arbor area!!!! Redbelly board shop.

We had a great session over the weekend demoing the exclusive and amazing C4! Also got to fly the new M3's with Amer and Kirk. The fella's were impressed of the improvements on the M3 also they loved the user friendliness of the C4. The revolution is coming!! Ozone will be knocking on your door!! Come fly some Safe Dynamite!!!!!

With the conditions that we had: ice and hard packed snow in areas. We still had a great time. Also gave a small in prompt to jumping lesson to Kirk! Good job on the jumps dude!! Lets practise them in deeper SNOW!!!! Maybe SkyLine?

Weather Forecasts, snow depth and Ice conditions

Well until next Time, Let the Winds Blow in Your Backs and Smooth Kiting!!!


Patrick Nedele


  1. Check out wind / snow conditions + forecast for Whitmore Lake here at

  2. Thank YOu William. Will post!

